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Yacht Deck


When buying a boat it is alway recommended that you have a pre purchase survey carried out. The survey is designed to assess the condition of the vessel and give you the facts as well as explain any defects or problems that may occur,  


We offer pre purchase surveys for yachts, motor boats and other small craft, build of GRP/FRP, aluminium and steel. A thorough survey is all ways followed by a professional inclusive report to give you all the facts about the vessels condition. 



Pre Purchase/Insurance Survey: Lessons


Insurance surveys are often required before an insurance company will provide a new policy, or when the vessel reaches a certain age and then every 5 to 10 year after. This is so they can assess the risk and condition of the vessel against the policy cover. 


An insurance survey is similar to but not as comprehensive as a pre purchase but concentrates on the structural and safety aspects of the vessel. A current pre purchase report is normally accepted by insurance companies meaning you do not need to have second survey completed. 

Pre Purchase/Insurance Survey: About


Valuation surveys are often needed when money is being borrowed to purchase a boat or by insurance companies. Valuations are based on current market value and condition of the vessel. Valuations are not normally carried out during other surveys unless specified at the time.

Pre Purchase/Insurance Survey: About


Damage surveys normally commissioned by an insurance company following a claim made against a policy. They are carried out to find the full extent of any damage after an incident giving repair options and a likely cost of repair.

The surveyor will normally over see any repair work at various stages to confirm the repairs are to the agreed standard and completed on time   


Pre Purchase/Insurance Survey: About


Sea trails can be conducted along side a pre purchase survey or as a separate service. it is always a good idea to have a sea trail particularly on a motor boat where the engines contribute to a large portion of of the value. During the trail the machinery, electronics, and onboard systems are tested for operation and condition while in use.

Pre Purchase/Insurance Survey: About


Pre Purchase/Insurance Survey: Files
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